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Showing posts with label Adobe Systems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adobe Systems. Show all posts

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Many corporations have fine practices and the Hacking team, the “pc protection experts” who sold hacking tools to various federal and state organizations around the world, aren't any exception. Their database of statistics consists of some of exciting hacking tips, which include mention of a 0-day, unpatched hole in Adobe Flash that the organisation is currently ultimate.

Protection researcher Brian Krebs found the document in the trove of data leaked via hackers a few days ago. The proof-of-concept attack described by using the Hacking crew can open the Calculator in windows and OS X and a greater risky model changed into additionally to be had in the crew documentation.

Adobe published protection Bulletin CVE-2015-5119 nowadays mentioning that they may be running on ultimate the hollow.

“customers do not need to be overly worried about this vulnerability right now, as an active assault has now not yet been spotted inside the wild. We can replace this post with greater facts and recommendation if it turns into important at a later time,” protection provider trend Micro wrote. But, it is not clean whether or not or not the Hacking team have discovered a brand new way to use this make the most.

One issue is, clean, however: you need to probably just disable Flash. “there's no doubt that Adobe Flash participant is a primary target of attackers. This Wednesday will mark the seventh time in as many months that Adobe has issued an emergency replace to fix a 0-day flaw in Flash participant,” wrote Krebs.

Monday 6 July 2015

See 3D Printers and Twisted video walls paint Light.

Ekaggrat Singh Kalsi's 'Sliced Light'
Who said that you had to paint light by waving an arm around? Certainly not Ekaggrat Singh Kalsi and Daniel Canogar, both of whom have created art using some decidedly unusual tech. Kalsi's project generates floating color portraits thanks to a modified 3D printer -- as you'll see in the clip below, it's akin to forming a hologram line by line.Canogar's work, meanwhile, uses twisted, mobius-like LED tiles as video walls that produce unique (and occasionally mind-bending) effects at different angles. You probably won't see these pieces in person, but they're proof that light-based art holds a lot of untapped potential.

Sourec: Engadget